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Society for Armenian Studies Grant on Race

The civic actions following the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day have invigorated a collective critical examination of racial injustice and the role of race in American society and around the world. This has led to debates about the place of monuments in public, racial representation in positions of power and in culture more broadly, and the role of nearly every public institution in combating systemic racism. Universities, schools, and scholarly work are both implicated in these debates and included in the institutions making moves to combat racism. Inspired by these conversations and with the intention to encourage scholars to fill the gap of research on race in Armenian Studies the SAS invites graduate students and post-graduate scholars for a new SAS grant that would be awarded for research projects relating to race. The grant is designed to encourage and support scholarship in the field of Armenian Studies that focuses on racial matters. We welcome proposals for any research project that grapples with the role race has played in Armenian history across time and space. However, the SAS Executive Committee is particularly interested in projects that examine the impact of racial policies and racism on Armenian communities in the United States and/or projects that explore the relations and entanglements between Armenians and Black communities in the United States. Researchers are highly encouraged to engage with the work of Black, indigenous, and other scholars of color and with critical race theory.

Two grants of up to $500 per applicant will be awarded. The grants will be on competitive basis. Both SAS and non-SAS members are invited to apply. The deadline is September 30, 2020.

For the SAS Guidelines for Writing Project Descriptions or Proposals visit:

All of the following items MUST be included with this application or the entire package will be disqualified:

1) One Page Resume: Double-spaced, 12 pt. font.

2) Two Page Description of project: Double-spaced, 12 pt

3) One letter of recommendation from your advisor or a senior figure in the field.

4) Estimated budget for the project: include total expenses, travel details (if needed), etc

Please send a proposal to  Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian at