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Nomination Guidelines-2021 SAS Der Mugrdechian Armenian Studies Book Award


2021 Nomination Guidelines

Deadline to receive books: June 31, 2021

The Society for Armenian Studies invites nominations for the 2021 SAS Der Mugrdechian Armenian Studies Book Award. Nominations can be made by either the publisher or the author. Although there is no limit to the number of titles that authors or publishers may submit, we ask that they exercise discretion in the selection of books nominated. Below is a list of criteria that should be met:

  1. Nominations can be made by either the publisher or the author.
  2. Books must be non-fiction scholarly monographs based on original research published in English* between May 1, 2019, and April 30, 2021. Authors need not be SAS members.

*Works translated from other languages into English will also be considered, but will be judged by the same rigorous standards as those for works originally in English.

  1. Subject matter must deal with Armenian Studies and the work must seek to advance knowledge and scholarship on Armenian society, culture, and history from ancient times to the present. The work should both demonstrate substantive knowledge of Armenian people and their civilization, as well as further Armenian scholarship through comparative and transcultural analysis that considers and argues for the role of Armenians beyond national, geographic, and traditional disciplinary boundaries.
  2. Works not eligible include edited collections and compilations, proceedings of symposia, new editions of previously published books, bibliographies, dictionaries, and textbooks.

The author of the winning book will receive $1000 and a certificate of award. Honorable mentions also receive a certificate of award. The results will be announced in publications as deemed appropriate by SAS.

Electronic versions of the publications are preferred, and can be sent, in pdf format, to:

All hard copy-submittals should be sent to:

Society for Armenian Studies
Armenian Studies Book Award
c/o Armenian Studies Program
5245 N. Backer Ave. PB4
Fresno CA 93740-80012